Sunday, November 11, 2007

Curt Kidder


Occupation: Administrative Manager-Lowe's

Hometown: Rockford, Illinois

Marital Status: Married

Spouse/Occupation: Julie, She is a Special Education Teacher in the Rockford Public Schools

Children: daughter, Karli 1 1/2 years old

Pets: Black lab, Chesney

Best thing about being in my late 20's: It is the best time of my life. I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter

Significant events in the last 10 years:
• 1997-1998 Attended Rock Valley College
• 1998 Started working for Lowe's
• June 28, 2003 Julie and I got married
• November 2004 We bought our first house
• February 1, 2006 Our daughter Karli was born

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tommy Carpenter


Occupation : Automotive Technician for the City of Rockford, been there 5 years

Hometown : Loves Park

Spouse : Chrissy (BHS class of 98), employed at Target

Children : Cohen is 2 and Kylee is 10 months

Pets : Abby 3 year old Peek-a-Poo

Significant Events :
• 1999 Graduated from UTI
• 2002 Started working for City of Rockford
• July 2003 Got married
• April 2004 Purchased 1st house
• March 12, 2005 son Cohen was born
• January 5, 2007 daughter Kylee was born

Yes, I will be attending the reunion.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Carissa (Schumacher) Williams


Occupation: Vet Assistant

Hometown: Belvidere, IL

Marital Staus: Married

Spouse's Name: Tony Williams (class of BHS 1998)

Spouse's Occupation: Maintenance mechanic for St. Anthony Hospital and Diesel Mechanic for Liebovich Brothers

Children: Emerson Faith was born on September 24, 2004 and Mason Taylor was born on Februaury 27, 2007

• my new puppy Raney who is a golden retriever/lab mix.
• we also have four indoor cats (Katie, Annie, Molly, Shadow)
• And then we have two outside/stray cats (Tiggs and Jax)
• And we can't forget the geckos (Mickey and Minnie)
• We kinda have a full house!

What has changed about me:
• Well I think alot has changed.....I am much more outgoing and opinionated now. In high school I was very shy and just went along with the crowd. I am also a proud mommy which I never thought I would be, but I just love it! And I look different than I did ten years ago, but having kids will do that to you!

What hasn't changed:
• Obviously my passion for animals has not went away! I am still very family orientated and love spending time with my friends.

Best or Worst Thing about being in late 20's:
• The worst thing is that my body does not move the way it used to and that is hard to understand. I have to work twice as hard for any results. I'm still two years away from 30 so I am not to worried yet :)

Significant Events in the last 10 Years:
• 1997-went to RVC and studied pretty much everything since I could not decide on a career path.
• 1998-got engaged to Tony. My parents seperated after 25 years of marriage. They sprang this news on me as I was planning their 25th anniversary
• 2000-graduated with an associates in arts from RVC.
• 2001-my fiance enlisted with the United States Navy
• 2002-got married January 19th to my high school sweetheart, In February moved to Virginia Beach, VA for the Navy.
• 2003-my husband goes on a 6 month deployment. I got pregnant the moment he returned!
• 2004-I had my daughter in September via C-Section at a Navy hospital (worst place to have a kid)
• 2005-My husband got honorable discharge from the Navy and we moved back to Illinois so our daughter could grow up surrounded by her family. I got pregnant again--big surprise this time!
• 2006-I had my son Mason via C-Section at RMH (this was a much better experience!) Very stressful year for me. My kids are 17 months apart and I was going crazy!
• 2007-Has been a pretty good year. The kids are now 3 and 20 months. Emerson is starting to take 'care' of Mason and be a good big sister to him.

I did attend the reunion and had a great time. Thanks to all who put it together. It was so nice to see everyone again.

Photos from the Reunion!

Here are some photos from the night of the reunion! I will tell you now that I am in WAY TOO MANY of these photos - but I wasn't thinking while I was taking them that I would post them...oops! I just thought it would be fun for those of you who couldn't make it to see some of the people who came. If you attended the reunion and have some picture without me in them!!! and with other people I didn't get pictures of - please send them to me at and I will post them here for you.

Pamela (Watt) Hansen


Occupation:  High School Teacher: Biology, Anatomy/Physiology, Bio-Ecology, & Applied Science (forensics type stuff)

Hometown: La Crosse, Wisconsin

Marital status:  Married (about 4 1/2 years now)

Spouse's name & occupation:  Matt Hansen, graphic designer

Children:  Lucas Hansen (we call him Luke) 14 months; a walking-talking little hurricane!

Pets: 2 miniature weiner dogs,  Howie (boy) & Fudge (girl)

What has changed about you, what hasn't?
• What a tough question to answer!!  I really struggled with this one.  Basicly, I'm sure I'm the same person, I've just worked to become the kind of person I always envisioned myself being.  I have lightened up, let go of so many of my insecurities, and have become a very confident, self-assured person.  I don't worry as much about all the little things, and I'm not as shy & quiet as I was in high school.  I think the way I look has changed quite a bit, I don't look much like I did in high school... I like to change things up pretty often. 

Best/Worst thing about being in late 20s:
• The best is that I've never been happier, or more fulfilled.  College was the absolute most fun of my life, but this time period has shown me a whole new kind of fun, much more fulfilling.  I truly love my life!!  No complaints!!  Well, being independently wealthy and not having to work would be nice... but how boring!

• Worst is that finding time to run & workout is getting tougher and tougher with a little one running around!  Also, 30 is quietly knocking on my door (I'm younger than I think everyone in our class... not 28 until January!!!), and that means you have no more excuses for being young & dumb!  I also think I'm beginning to spot some wrinkles... time to buy some anti-aging products!!

Significant events in the last 10 years:
• 1997:  invited to walk-on to Western Illinois University's Women's soccer team.  Played for 3 seasons before hanging up my cleats
• 1997 - 2002: loved every single minute of college life!!  Grew up, blossomed as a person, made life-long friends that I consider family, spent a lot of time & money at drinking establishments, attended classes 98% of the time, took 2 crazy spring break trips, lost some family members that meant a lot to me, learned some tough lessons, learned how to be a pseudo-responsible "adult"... etc. etc.  Best times ever.
• 2002: graduated from Western with a B.S. in Biology, emphasis in education
• July 12, 2003: married Matt Hansen, my college sweetheart & best friend.
• July 13, 2003: moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin
• 2005: began teaching full-time in Whitehall, Wisconsin (an hour drive away!)
• August 23, 2006: gave birth to Lucas Hansen, 8 lbs, 7.5 oz.; fell in love at first sight!
• 2007s been pretty quiet... other than the little tornado running around our house with 2 weiner dogs. 

Will you be attending the reunion?  Yep! 
• Can't wait to see everyone! 

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cassie (Sloan) McDonald


Occupation: Spanish teacher and Student Council Advisor at Dubuque Senior High School in Dubuque, IA

Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa

Marital Status: Married (December 28, 2002)

Spouse's Name & Occupation: Jamie McDonald, certified financial planner

Children: (Names & Ages) I'm six months pregnant and due January 30 with our first baby.

Pets: 2 cats, Minnie and Parker

What has changed about you? What hasn't?
• I definitely really enjoyed my college years as I got to experience what life was like not living under the same roof as a principal and teacher. As far as things that haven't changed, I'm still involved in student council, only now as the advisor of 31 high school students.

Best (or Worst) thing about being in your late 20's.
• I'm enjoying my late 20s. It's good to be established in my career, happily married, and ready to start a family. It's a little more stressful than the early 20s, but also an exciting time.

Significant events for you in the last 10 years:
• 2001 Graduated from Loras College in Dubuque, IA with BAs in Spanish, English, and Education
• 2001-2005 Lived in Milwaukee, WI and taught high school English at Delavan-Darien HS
• 2002 Married Jamie McDonald, whom I met at Loras
• 2005 Moved back to Dubuque with Jamie and started teaching Spanish
• 2006 Spent the summer in Spain working on my Master's in Spanish and then traveled to Spain, Italy, and Switzerland with Jamie
• 2007 Spent the summer in Mexico traveling with students and then continuing work on my Master's
• 2008 Eagerly awaiting the arrival of our first child

Will you be attending the reunion: Yes