Saturday, September 1, 2007

Kim (Nelson) Lawler


Occupation: Pediatrician, Chef, Chauffeur, Housekeeper, Child Psychologist, Personal shopper…just a few hats I wear as a full time mom!

Hometown: Currently, South Bend, IN

Marital Status: Married to Scott Lawler, Head Assistant Baseball Coach, Recruiting Coordinator, University of Notre Dame.

Children: Lucas, 20 months and expecting our second child (a girl) around September 20.

Pets: Cooper, 5 year old Black Lab.

What has changed about you? What hasn't?
• My hair. I change it about every six months! I have fun with it and it always grows back!
• Seriously tough, I am much more patient and self-less. I think those traits pretty much go hand in hand with trying to be a good wife and mother.
• What hasn’t changed is that I still love to run and compete!

Best (or Worst) thing about being in your late 20's.
• Worst thing about being in my late 20’s is not appreciating and taking advantage of my younger years as much as I would have liked.
• The Best thing is that we are actually really young and God willing, still have so much to do and experience ahead of us!

Significant events for me in the last 10 years:
• August 1997, Left for NIU to discover a whole new world outside of Btown. Besides going to class, I ran Cross Country and made friends for life! I really blossomed as a person and discovered what it means to be independent, which was scary and exciting all at the same time! I actually enjoyed the educational aspect of college…and the parties too!
• May 2001, Graduated from NIU with a BA in Corporate Communication and hired by Eli Lilly & Co as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative in Rockford, IL.
• June 2002, Engaged to Scott and moved to Evansville, IN to support his career. Transferred with Lilly. Bought our first house and got a dog!
• June 2003, Married the man of my dreams!
• July 2005, Moved to Little Rock, AR (5 months pregnant) to support Scott’s coaching career, at which point I retired from the professional workforce. Bought our second house!
• December 2005, Gave birth to Lucas 8lbs, 10oz., 21in….lots of GREAT prescriptions drugs!
• July 2006, Moved to South Bend, IN for a great opportunity with the University of Notre Dame. Bought our third house. I guess I should add Real Estate agent to my list of titles.
• September 2007, in South Bend and planning on being here for a bit, which is a significant event in our career. Baby number two is coming any day now!

Will you be attending the reunion: Undecided at this time.
• I can’t think of any better way to celebrate my 28th birthday! I would love to attend, however, with a new baby, and 22-month-old, the travel may be too difficult on my own. Scott has work obligations that weekend.

I can’t believe that it has already been 10 years. Hopefully the old saying that things get better with age holds true in all aspects of our lives! It has been great looking at the profiles on the blog. I wish all of you a healthy, safe and happy year! A special thanks to Miriam for taking the time and effort to put this great communication tool together and to Maggie and all the others behind the scenes who are making the effort to reconnect!

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